How can you tell
if you or someone near you
has a hearing loss?

The cartoons below represent an exaggerated view
of some of the ways people compensate for a hearing loss.

Turning up the television or radio is a very common sign of a
hearing loss. The appropriate volume may seem too loud to others.

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Focusing on one speaker in a crowded or noisy environment
is often especially difficult for a person with a hearing loss.
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In a car, the engine, road or wind noise can make it hard to
hear a conversation, the radio, or important traffic sounds.
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People with a hearing loss frequently feel that others mumble
or need to repeat what they’ve said. Often, a person will hear,
but not understand, what's being said.
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Social occasions are often difficult for a person with hearing
loss. Background noise, such as music or group conversations,
can become overwhelming, making it impossible to participate
in a conversation.
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It’s easy to forget how much we rely on our hearing every day.
Sirens, automobile horns, and other people are only a few of the
things that we need to be able to hear clearly.
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In church, theaters, and auditoriums, it can be very difficult to
hear a speaker’s voice. Many facilities have assistive listening
devices available for those with hearing loss.
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Cupping your hand behind your ear can help a little, but it’s
no substitute for a properly fitted hearing instrument. And
remember - a hearing loss is more noticeable than a hearing aid!
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A famous blind and deaf person was asked,
" If you could have hearing or sight, which one would you have ? "
She said,